Girl, Stop Apologizing

Girl, Stop Apologizing

Rachel Hollis (author) has seen it too often: girls are not living into their full potential. They feel a tugging on their hearts for something more, but they’re scared of embarrassment, of not being enough and of falling short of perfection.

In Girl, Stop ApologizingNew York Times bestselling author Rachel Hollis sounds a wake-up call. She knows that many girls or women have been taught to define themselves in shadow of other human personalities—whether as employee, daughter, mother, or wife—instead of learning what they want and who they are. With a challenge to girls or women everywhere to stop talking themselves out of their dreams, author identifies the excuses to let go of, the manners to adopt, and the knowledge to acquire on the path to progress, faith, and confidence in yourself.

Girl, Stop Apologizing

You feel like there’s a good amount of advice she provides in the novel that applies to her relative privileged life and socioeconomic status and that it might not be nearly as applicable to someone who hasn’t had the blessings.

Sometimes you can’t just dust off your hands and put on your work and change everything about your lifeline for the better in an instant (or even within a few time). Sometimes life just doesn’t work like how Rachel’s(author) says it must.

This book is so impactful. It has made you look at the manner you try to attain aims in a whole creative light. You have a whole new idea for trying to tackle your aim to make your dreams come true. Since finishing this novel, you have already initiated making a plan of action as this Diwali, you are getting done! Highly suggested this novel if you’ve always had big bigger dreams, but never really had a plan of action for reaching them, or even knew where to start. Also, if you are good at beginning towards your aim ladder, but then get unmotivated as you feel like nothing is happening, then this is the novel for you. Your aims take some deep thought and breakdown to ultimately reach the desired end. Rachel breaks the path down into Mile Markers and Guideposts that you are attempting to reach and overcome. With a tiny dedication and hard work, anyone can make their dreams occur!

She believe she has given a strong message to share about making optimistic change in your life. I think the key is to walk with the truths that talks to you and apply them. The novel is inspiring, positive, upbeat and offers realistic and tangible steps for women to work towards embracing and then snatch up their personal goals.

You really enjoyed authors writing style, and her references back to her own life chain, failures and successes. There are concrete pieces of advice for knowledge to generate, behaviors to hug and excuses to give up. Truthfully it was the ideal book to kick off your Diwali as you feel more motivated than ever! Every woman from her student life to senior citizen must read it … really makes you think about your dreams and priorities. Inspirational. Makes you need to go out in the universe and get stuff done. Great, practical methods for how to make space for attaining goals.

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