What Are YouTube Tags and How Do I Use Them? And Why They Are Important in Video SEO


YouTube tags

What Are YouTube Tags and How Do I Use Them? And Why They Are Important in Video SEO.

YouTube tags (also known as “video tags”) are words and phrases used to give YouTube context in relation to a video. Tags are considered an important element of rank in the YouTube search algorithm.

Why Are Tags Important?

As with any piece of metadata, your tags are an opportunity to give YouTube and Google information about your video … including your video title, category, and more. And recent industry research has found a small but significant relationship between YouTube tags and YouTube rankings:

So, here’s how to enhance your video tags.

Best Ways

First tag = Target keyword

When it comes to video SEO, YouTube pays special attention to your first few tags.

(Especially your first tag)

The first mark is equal to the target keyword

So make sure your first tag is the exact keyword, word, and phrase you want to measure.

Keyword tag

Use a wide and focused marker mix

Focused tags (such as “get big biceps” or “how to start a blog”), help YouTube find the right title for your video.

But it is important to use wide tags as well. Extensive tags help give YouTube an important context for your video. For example, suppose the keyword for your video is: “how to make a pushup”.You may want to use that keyword (and variation) for your tags:


You may also want to throw a few broad tags that describe a broad category of your video or title. In this case, the larger markers will be words such as “fitness” and “exercise”:

Wide tags

Do not skip tags. Pushing videos with multiple tags is a mistake that many YouTube users make. As it turns out, this can do more harm than good.

Remember: tags are designed to help YouTube understand the content of your video. And if you give them 20+ tags, they will have a hard time figuring out what your video is really about. If you are confused, YouTube is confused. So if you overload your video with tags, you will only damage your quality.

Instead, stick to 5-8 tags that accurately describe the title of your video. This should be a mix of focused and broad keywords you found in the video keyword research.

For example, check out the # 1 “income effect”:

A good number of tags

You can use a video that uses 8 tags that describe the video content. Easily, but effectively. Use YouTube Tags with 2-3 Words in Length.

How long should each of your marks be?

According to data from Briggsby, the best SEO tag length is 2-3 words.

YouTube’s central view by tag number

Does this mean you have to make sure all the tags are in the correct order? Of course not. In fact, in some cases (such as wide tags), it makes sense to use short word tags, 1-2. Having said that, this data gives you a negative idea of ​​how long the tags should normally be.

Are your tags too short? That may not be enough information for YouTube.

Are your tags too long? That may give YouTube information more complete.

For example, suppose you recently made a video about: “the health benefits of coffee”.

Instead of a group of tags with the same words as “coffee” and “health”, use descriptive tags such as: “health benefits of coffee” and “healthy coffee”.

Generate Tags with Tools

There’s nothing as bad as staring at your screen trying to come up with tags that you can use on your latest video. That is not only annoying but also bad for SEO. Fortunately, you do not need to remove the tags in a little air. There are two key research tools on YouTube that generate related tags where needed.


Tags YouTube is a free tool that compiles a list of related tags to use in your YouTube videos. Just enter your video keyword in the tool …

YouTube tags. And get a list of suggestions for YouTube tags:

VidIQ Boost

VidIQ Boost is a very useful feature of the paid version of VidIQ.What makes VidIQ Boost unique is that it raises tags for the YouTube video editor. In other words, you get a list of keyword suggestions within your browser.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Read Your Tags: Try reading your tags without looking at your video title or description. Can you understand your video based on tags only? If so, you probably have an amazing tag in your hands.

Add Long Tail Keywords: If you have space, add 1-2 variations of long-tail keywords targeted as tags.

For example, you are about to upload a prepared video: “pepper recipe”.

Type that keyword on YouTube and see what they suggest. These suggestions are a long tail of your keyword that you can use as tags.

Use Specific Tags: Some people add the names of competing YouTube channels as tags (the idea is that this might help you appear next to videos from that channel as a suggested video). Some people also use a celebrity name as a tag for the same reason. While this may work, it is dangerous. According to YouTube, misleading tags can cause your video to be demoted.

Copy Tags From Popular Videos: Only the most important tags are YouTube Search. They also help you edit a suggested video. Specifically, if your tags match the tags of a popular video, you can appear next to it.

Find popular videos on your topic and copy a few related tags

So feel free to use a few relevant tags from popular videos as your tags.

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