Benefits of Webinars During COVID-19

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in late 2019 and early 2020 conferences, events have been canceled aimed at the community level to reduce the spread and reduce the risk of viral webinars instead of spreading globally as an educator. a risk-free communication tool.

Aim: to evaluate the effectiveness of webinars on increasing the clinical and surgical skills of Egyptian optometrists during the forced social segregation of COVID-19.

Results: The majority of optometrists in this survey consider webinars to be a good teaching tool and hope to improve after the COVID-19 epidemic. Most of them follow topics that interest them rather than the speaker or the planning company and are interested in the end due to comfortable conditions.



Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in late 2019 and early 2020 conferences, events have been canceled at the community level to limit the spread and reduce the risk of newly emerging viruses [1]. There should be another way to communicate and continue learning especially in medicine, so the practice is directed at webinars. All we have to do is go fast and find our webinar strategy to benefit and stay connected to areas that are virtually no longer available in reality.

The term ‘webinar’ is made up of two parts, ‘web’ and ‘seminar’. A webinar is an online event attended only by an online audience. Audiences or participants can follow webinars using smartphones, tablets, PCs, and laptops wherever they are. They can see and hear the speaker. The Webinar allows for a variety of collaborative opportunities, such as questioning, interviewing, voting, testing, and testing.

The coronavirus-19 epidemic (COVID-19) has led to a paradigm shift in medical practice worldwide. Not only were health care systems filled with the power of doctors to care for patients with a rare disease but soon non-emergency services at all specialized centers also had an impact. A study by Indian optometrists revealed that the vast majority (72.5%) did not see any patients who did not respond immediately during the closure of COVID-19, which lasted from March to July 2020, with almost complete special surgery. In addition to the provision of health care, another area that has had a significant impact on medical education at all levels – undergraduate medical studies, as well as residential training programs and specialized training programs.

This is especially true in non-emergency departments, which are not directly involved in COVID-19 patient care. In the United States, the Association of American Medical Colleges issued guidelines strongly suggesting that medical students should not be involved in direct contact with a patient. In many facilities, declining surgical procedures and the redistribution of home telephone systems have been forced to reduce the risk of infection among hospital staff. Several teaching hospitals in the United Kingdom, too, stopped medical students and caregivers from going to clinically attached areas. . In India, ophthalmologists have reported that the epidemic has had a devastating effect on their learning, especially surgical training. In addition, the stress levels reported by the trainees themselves were higher than normal. All of these changes and their effects have had far-reaching consequences, with medical students experiencing reduced clinical exposure, resulting in a detrimental effect on performance and testing ability.

In response to these events, medical conferences and conferences have been canceled or postponed. Many of them emerged and worked visually, allowing travelers to enter and participate from a distance. Classes in medical and university colleges have changed online. Although the concept of webinars has been around for many years, the context of COVID-19 has led to the widespread use of webinars as new and important tools for distance learning, where trainees can communicate and ask questions to facilitate in-depth and meaningful learning. The use of social media to promote and evaluate webinars has also contributed to the popularity of webinars.

Surgery education has been likened to this practice, and it has been observed that webinars are introduced through specialized communication channels with trainees to suit the immediate need for accessible online content. The main beneficiaries of these many online educational programs have been citizens and other people who now have access to a wide range of international experts who are available for direct discussion, albeit in a non-formal forum. There are limited books with straightforward data on the success of webinars, especially from a professional perspective. Therefore, to complement these lacunae, this survey was considered to evaluate the use and impact of those web-based educational programs by examining eye care professionals in India.


Webinars are readily available with inexpensive technology, useful experience added to the clinical and surgical skills of Egyptian eye doctors who hope to continue even after the COVID-19 epidemic.

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