10 LinkedIn Tips & Tricks for Your Business’ Organic Reach

LinkedIn is a leading platform for professionals around the world to share their expertise and connect with others in their field. And with 94% of B2B marketers using LinkedIn to distribute content, it is also a great place to show the world what your business and your employees have to offer.

Creating and sharing content on LinkedIn can be part of your company’s digital marketing strategy, but it is important to follow the best practices to get the most out of the time and effort you put into this forum. Below are some tips and tricks to get you started.


Know the LinkedIn Algorithm

The goal of the LinkedIn algorithm is to deliver the most relevant content to each user’s news server. LinkedIn wants to keep traffic to their website and stop unimportant or inferior content from appearing in the newsfeeds.

To do this, the LinkedIn algorithm looks for clicks, likes, comments, and shares, and complements news feeds with content that seems most relevant to the user’s actions on the platform. Knowing this can help you to create and share relevant and useful content that will promote interaction such as those listed above. You can use LinkedIn as a platform to position your company as your destination for information and solutions for current and potential customers.

Think about who you are trying to reach or who is influencing LinkedIn and your business goals of being on the platform from the beginning. Are you trying to collect sales leads? Do you want to increase your potential as a thinking leader in your industry? Or are you trying to share your company culture to help find new jobs?

Create a LinkedIn content marketing strategy about what your target audience will find most relevant content and posts that will help you achieve your company’s platform goals.

Follow the Best Practices for Your Business and Employees

Can you hire someone with an incomplete job? Would you like to do business with a company whose online presence was spotted or outdated? Would you like to read or share content from a LinkedIn user or a business whose profile does not have multiple pieces? The answer is probably no.

The LinkedIn algorithm not only looks at shared content but also WHO shares it with you to determine the best content you can complement your feed.

As part of your digital marketing strategy, take the time to explore the social media platform on your LinkedIn business page and make it as complete as possible.

You can also create a company-wide program to help employees improve their LinkedIn profiles. Provide profile pictures (like Vital) to create links between your entire team on LinkedIn and encourage them to add their work history and education, skill sets, recommendations, page title, null URL, and location.

Eighty-five percent of jobs are filled with networks. And since LinkedIn is a platform dedicated to professionals, it is a win-win for everyone where your company and LinkedIn profiles are as complete as possible.

Create Content Your Links Love You

Here are a few ways you can satisfy LinkedIn’s goal of keeping users on the platform while delivering the most relevant and important content to your fans:

  • Post only text updates that do not include leading URLs in LinkedIn.
  • Use a dotted list to separate long posts.
  • Add tags and hashtags to your posts to increase live access to users who want specific topics.
  • Add emoji to split text and add a little fun to your post (if it’s worth your product).

Use LinkedIn Indigenous Video

Video is a method you should be using in your digital marketing strategy. To keep users on the site, LinkedIn has a native video option that allows you to upload videos directly to their site, eliminating the need to link to YouTube or another website.

Take advantage of this by uploading your company videos directly to LinkedIn, including those you already have on other platforms like Vimeo or YouTube. LinkedIn videos can be up to 10 minutes long and you can share the link in the post or on other social media platforms to further drive traffic to your LinkedIn profile (see Tip # 7). Use the text block to highlight the main points in the video so that participants know what it is about and are encouraged to watch it.

Publish Articles on LinkedIn’s Blogging Platform, Pulse

Similar to the purpose of LinkedIn’s native video, LinkedIn’s Pulse forum aims to keep traffic to a site where its users share long-form content with affiliates.

One way to start installing Pulse on your LinkedIn marketing strategy is to use your company’s existing blog posts and redesign your goals as LinkedIn articles. Make sure you clean the content to better match the interests of the LinkedIn audience you targeted. After publishing an article, share a link to the post using quotes from your article to attract followers. Then, link to the whole article so they can click and read it.

This saves users on LinkedIn, gives you content to share on your business page, and helps keep an eye on your content. Other types of LinkedIn articles you can publish may include company announcements, new appointments, or your company’s response to trends in the industry.

Share Your LinkedIn Content Timely and Accurately

Now you know what to send when to send it? Spending time on LinkedIn and a little research for your audience goes a long way when you decide when to post your content to reach as many people as possible.

Your social media strategy should not only include the purpose/goal of your post and the topics that will be most valuable to your audience, but it should also have a good time for the post to be shared to achieve the greatest value. people.

A few things to consider when trying to find the right time to send your buyer people, the time zones where you are connected, and your industry as a whole. If you are unsure where to start, try to work within these data-driven posts and customize your audience later:

Best Posting Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. found right.

Worst postal times: Friday and post any day between 10 p.m. and 6 am.

Break Down to Promote Your LinkedIn Content on Other Social Media Platforms

Getting more of your LinkedIn content includes adding advertising to your content calendar. For every post, video, or article you shared on LinkedIn, have a plan to share the link on some of your social media pages.

This practice not only gets more attention to your posts, articles, and videos that you have worked hard to create, it is a strategy that will not work against you because it satisfies the LinkedIn algorithm goal – which is to get and keep extra traffic open. LinkedIn.

Thanks to the LinkedIn algorithm, this only works one way. If you share a Facebook link on LinkedIn, the algorithm will penalize your post and may not be visible in as many feeds as it would without the link.

Be an Active Partner To Grow Your Voice As A Thought Leader In Your Industry

A large part of the social media platform is public! Being a part of the discussions that take place in your industry can be used to build your business as the right thought leader in your industry.

To get started, keep up with relevant news, trends and pain points your customers and industry are facing, and use these as topics for discussion of your content. Trending industry articles are always helpful, making any posts about it more appealing and aligned with the Linked newsfeed algorithm.

You can choose to link the trending news to existing content (which opens the door to new traffic and eyes for existing content), or you can use it as an inspiration to create new parts of the content.

Representation of employees can also help. Encourage your team to discover, share and comment on the best topics in the industry. This practice not only helps your business become a thought leader in your industry, but also an opportunity for your employees to share their expertise and become thoughtful leaders on social media as well.

Post to Professional LinkedIn Groups

This tip is related to the above tip. Joining LinkedIn Professional groups will connect you with leaders and big names (both individuals and companies) in your industry, and will allow you to engage in meaningful conversation. You will learn a lot and you will have the opportunity to share your insights.

Teams of professionals are readily available on LinkedIn. Once you have joined, send your articles and videos to the group to start a conversation. Be sure to share and comment on other posts and articles to start building relationships and relationships with professionals in your industry.

Create an Employee Involvement Program and Involve the Whole Team!

Each of your employees can reach hundreds of people more than your business page, so it’s rewarding to get your team’s support when it comes to liking and sharing content.

Employee interactions with your company page and posts should always be voluntary. But encouraging them with guidelines and a game plan for working with social media staff is a great way to build a team, market your company and get good natural access to your content.

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