Trending Topics: 10 Ways to Stay on Top of Hot Conversations


Instagram Check

Every month, more than half of the Instagram community uses the Check tab to discover new photos, videos, and stories. Surprisingly, everyone sees different content choices in the billions of options based on their preferences.

Running behind “an AI-based 3-component high-performance AI program that produces 65 billion features and makes predictions of 90 million models per second.”

The 3-segment rating system reduces the selection down from 500 to 25 candidates you see on each of your Check:

First, pass select 150 high-quality and most suitable 500 candidates.

Second pass: select 50 high-quality and most suitable candidates.

Last pass: select 25 high-quality and most suitable candidates (on the first page of the Check grid).

Therefore, when you browse the Check tab, you are sure to see the most relevant and trending content related to your product.

Twitter Trends

There are two ways to find trends on Twitter.

Twitter trends are calculated by the volume of people discussing the topic in their Tweets, based on location and how important it is to the user.

For example, a global trending topic may not be displayed to a user who is not interested in that topic. Similarly, an article that only works in San Diego may not be shown to an international audience.

Note: Advertisers may also purchase promotional ads for relevant trends.

You can find your user-specific Twitter Trends in the top right corner of the homepage under the heading “What’s Happening”:

Simple Tip: You can generate post comments from Twitter Trends based on your selected location:

Times are selected stories that reflect the best of what is happening on Twitter. Customize to show you the most popular or current topics in your area, to see what’s trending on Twitter right now.

Times are divided into Trends, News, Sports, Entertainment, Entertainment, and more. You can click a moment to explore the story further and click the share icon to Tweet Time or copy the link.

LinkedIn News

LinkedIn News brings you the latest business news and news. The editorial team creates, filters, and develops post content, articles, Trending News, LinkedIn List, Daily Rundown, and more.

For example, if you sign up for Daily Rundown, you receive a notification every morning that takes you to a selected list of top topics:

  • You can also see the top professional daily news and conversations in the top right corner of your LinkedIn homepage:

You can click the drop-down arrow to expand the list of trending articles hand-picked by the LinkedIn editorial team. When you click on a story, you have the usual options to like, comment, or share with your network.

YouTube Trends

YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google, making it an amazing tool for finding trending content. The video forum includes trendy feeds that include sub-categories such as music, games, and stories so you can narrow down your choices.


Reddit – also known as the “front page” – is another site full of breaking news.

Reddit conversations take place in communities – known as Subreddits – that exist on almost any topic people choose to discuss. Subreddits start with “/ r /” followed by a domain name.

For example, you can search the popular subreddit (/ r / popular) for a collection of the latest trending and popular news from various forums.

Reddit conversations are organized using a high-density and downtime voting system to obtain the most popular content.


Quora is an online question and answer forum where users can ask and answer questions on a variety of topics.

Like Reddit, responses are raised and lowered, so the one with the most votes stays directly under question.

Topics collected in Spaces. If you follow a topic or space, questions and answers tagged with that topic will appear in your feed.

Similarly, you can follow people and see questions and answers posted by them in your feed.

Therefore, your main feed will display the most recent and most popular questions and answers based on your preferences.

Facebook for Media

Facebook for Media is open only to those journalists who can provide proof of media passing.

Trending articles, hashtags, chats, and users are displayed on the dashboard. Using the hashtag thunder over time, you can track hot news that may be related to you. In addition to integrating with Instagram search, Facebook Media creates faster leader boards, selects content, and provides data.

Trending Hashtags

Hashtags are widely used on Twitter and Instagram, as well as other social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube. They are included in the main text or sooner to indicate the title.

Using a hashtag is an easy way to quickly add a particular context to your content, especially on Twitter, where there is limited character space.

Trending hashtags are usually fast-moving, short-lived, and relatively unpredictable. You need to track trends as they happen, and you need to research the hashtag before jumping into the conversation to make sure it matches your product.

Trending hashtags appear on all social media platforms and can attract crazy numbers of followers. On the other hand, it is a good way to get your product, service, product, or content in front of large audiences. On the other hand, your post may lose most of the content if a particular hashtag becomes infected.

Simple Tip: In Post Builder, Hashtag Suggestions recommends hashtags that accompany a copy of your post, as well as trending hashtags so you can add them to your post with a single click:

Google Trends

Google Trends provides a much broader picture of your trends as they are based on search data rather than social networking.

You can enter your search title and filter it by location, time, category, and more. You also have the option of comparing it to another topic, to see which one is the most popular.

By feed

Feedly lets you find the best sources for any topic so you can keep up with trending content in one place.

Discover and edit all your trusted sources – You can add up to 11 different types of sources, including Twitter feeds and subreddits.

Train Leo to Filter Sound – Ask Leo (AI research assistant) to read your feeds and prioritize topics, events, and trends that are important to you.

Share information with your team – Organize, select, and share important sector information as a group with your audience.

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