Smart Cities Mission

The motive of the Smart Cities Mission is to run economic progress and refine the quality of life of humans by enabling local area growth and making use of technology, mainly technology that leads to Smart outcomes. New zones (greenfield) will progress around cities 7 to help the expanding population in urban zones. The application of Smart Solutions will allow cities to utilize technology, information, and data to refine services and infrastructure. Comprehensive development in this manner will upgrade the quality of life, develop employment and increase incomes for all, mainly the poor and the disadvantaged, leading to inclusive Cities.


Smart Cities Mission in India


expansion expand on urban population and rapid expansion of areas, gov. is looking at smarter manners to control complexities, enlarge efficiencies and refine the quality of life. This has developed a need for cities that integrate and monitor infrastructure to maximize services and better optimize resources to citizens.


The purpose of the smart city initiative is to encourage inclusive and sustainable cities that offer core infrastructure to offer a decent quality of life, a clean and sustainable environment through ugh application of a few smart solutions like intelligent lighting systems and data-driven traffic management, etc.

  • The Gov of India has set up the Smart Cities Mission on 25 June 2015.
  • The aim is on inclusive and sustainable development and the plan is to look at compact zones, develop a replicable model which will act as a lighthouse to other desiring cities. The Smart Cities Mission is signify to set examples that can be reproduced both outsides and within the Smart City, yielding the development of similar Smart Cities in different regions and chunks of the country.
  • The strategic elements of the Smart Cities Mission are city greenfield development), city improvement (retrofitting), and city renewal (redevelopment) plus a Pan-city initiative in which Smart Solutions are applied covering larger chunks of the city.
  • Comprehensive development in this way will refine the quality of life, generate employment and intensify incomes for all, especially the poor leads to inclusive cities.


  • Pan-city plan in which at least one Smart Solution is applied city-wide
  • Retrofitting,
  • Redevelopment,
  • Greenfield

The core infrastructure elements

  • Adequate water supply,
  • Assured electricity supply,
  • Sanitation, involving solid waste management,
  •  Structured public transport and urban mobility
  • Economical housing, especially for the poor
  •  Robust digitalization and IT connectivity
  • Good governance, especially citizen participation and e-Governance
  • Sustainable environment
  • security and Safety of citizens, particularly elderly, women and the children and Health and education.


  • The plan will cover 100 cities and its duration will be five years (FY2015-16 to FY2019-20).
  • The plan may be continued thereafter in the light of an assessment to be done by the MoUD and incorporate the learnings into the Mission.


The Smart City Mission will be set off as a CSS and the Central Gov proposes to provide financial support to the Mission to the average Rs. 100 crore per city per year.


  • After 3 years of the announcement, 89 cities have been chosen, but with small to show in urban transformation..
  • some cities have taken the task severely. Pune has started by lifting funds through the issuing of municipal ‘smart city’ bonds.
  • Bhubaneswar has set up an urban knowledge center, a railway multi-modal hub, and a hi-tech transport signal system.
  • The New Delhi Municipal Corporation has set executed a cute union of mini-sewerage plants, city surveillance systems, and wi-fi activated ‘smart’ street lights through a command and control center.
  • But, most of the cities are still struggling at a chief planning stage, and financial closure to projects is still a long way off.
  • More certainly a private investment – has hardly been defined and identified.


  • Smart cities function as particular purpose vehicles disunited from uniform urban governance structures.
  • It can generate islands of development rather than an all in all round development of the city.
  • State and local gov. lack fine-grained data or the potential to analyze them to identify the evolving requirements of their communities.
  •  Although India’s Smart Cities Mission has recognized more than 20 priority zones, interceding by the respective agencies is dim.
  • There is an insufficient emphasis on the working of urban local bodies.
  • The Area Based Development proposal – growth of a sewage system somewhere will cover just about three percent of the urban zones connected with these smart cities.
  • Urban local bodies deficiency both technical and human capacity and professionalism.

Way Forward

  • Smart cities cannot be a solution to urban crises that occur in the nation. It requires a grasp of the problem rationally through data collected orderly.
  • If Chicago city is taken as an eg., Array of Sensors are installed on streets for humans to download raw data on pedestrian movement and standing water and air quality.
  • Similarly India also shall create transport, waste management data for refining urban governance build on evidence.
  •  When one has restricted funds, a speedier and easier route is to take five big cities or 10 small ones at a time, and convert them globally.
  • Building of these cities cannot come only with gov. spending.
  • The funding has to occur through the private sector’s involvement.
  • Since the smart cities program focus on inexpensive housing and modern transportation, gov. has to ease smoother land acquisition with suitable resettlement and rehabilitation
  • We see cutting of trees for the widening of highways and roads. Care is supposed to be taken to safeguard the environment while making cities smart.
  • Citizen participation is a significant right from policy inputs, execution, and implementation as citizens are the eventual beneficiaries of smart cities.
  • Smart cities development wants smart leadership which has to come from all three tiers of the gov.


  • Clearly, there is a lot of low-hang fruit on the road to smartness, and a agile policy attitude can tap this fast way.
  • The plan must recognize that the lively life of cities depends on the variety and enable environments, rather than a mere technology-led vision.
  •  Pollution-free commons, easy mobility, and walkability, with a base of good civic services, is the smart manner to go.
  • With development gaining importance in the global policy discourse, it is significant to concentrate on local governance.
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