Talking to Your Ex: Sharing Your Feelings When You Still Love Them After They’ve Moved On

holding a flame for your ex

Understanding the reasons behind your lingering feelings is like decoding a puzzle. Are you still adjusting to the sudden absence of your ex from your daily life? Breakups can be like plot twists, leaving us disoriented and longing for familiarity.Consider whether you miss specific aspects of the relationship or if it’s the idea of companionship itself. It’s easy to confuse the pain of transition with the enduring flame of love. Journaling or discussing these thoughts with a therapist can provide clarity.Sometimes, we hold on to the good parts of a relationship while conveniently forgetting the reasons it ended. Missing the joy and comfort your ex provided doesn’t necessarily mean you’re still in love. Embrace gratitude for the lessons learned and the positive moments shared, but also accept that moving forward might be the right path.

Confronting the Fear of Solitude:

The fear of being alone can be a powerful motivator, pushing us to hold on to connections that have already served their purpose. As the saying goes, it’s better to be alone than in bad company. Take a moment to reflect on your comfort with solitude and recognize its potential for personal growth.Remind yourself that being single offers a unique opportunity to rediscover your individuality, heal, and welcome new connections into your life. It’s natural to feel nervous about this new chapter, but don’t let it overshadow the potential for self-discovery and enrichment.

Determining Your Intentions:

As you consider talking to your ex about your lingering feelings, ask yourself: What are your intentions? Are you seeking closure, hoping for a reunion, or merely expressing your emotions without expecting anything in return?Understanding your motives is crucial in approaching the conversation with authenticity. Be honest with yourself about what you truly desire and whether sharing your feelings aligns with your personal growth and well-being.

Weighing the Timing:

Timing is everything, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. One study on college students who recently experienced a breakup found that emotional recovery often takes about three months. While this timeline varies, it’s a reminder that rushing into major decisions might not allow for a clear-headed perspective.Consider how long it’s been since the breakup and whether both parties have had sufficient time to reflect and heal. Patience in matters of the heart can be a virtue, allowing for a more thoughtful and considerate approach to the conversation.

Assessing the Health of the Past Relationship:

Before opening up to your ex, take an honest look back at the past relationship. Reflect on the dynamics you shared:

Expressing Your Feelings:

If, after careful consideration, you decide to open up to your ex about your lingering feelings, the way you approach the conversation matters. Start by respecting any boundaries that were established during the breakup. If your ex requested no contact, honoring that request is a sign of respect.

Next, choose your method of communication wisely. Writing a letter or sending an email can provide a structured and thoughtful way to express your feelings without the pressure of an immediate response. This approach allows your ex time to process and respond at their own pace.

Decide what you want to convey. Be genuine and straightforward, speaking from the heart. Express your feelings and desires for the future honestly. Make it clear that you respect their decision, whether they reciprocate your feelings or not. This sets the stage for an authentic conversation without applying undue pressure.

Managing Expectations:

It’s essential to approach the conversation with realistic expectations. Just because you express your feelings doesn’t guarantee a specific outcome. Your ex may have moved on, or their feelings might not align with yours. Be prepared for various responses, and understand that everyone processes emotions differently.

If your ex doesn’t share the same sentiments, lean on your support system. Family and friends can provide comfort and understanding during this time. Self-care and self-compassion become crucial elements in healing and moving forward.

On the other hand, if your ex reciprocates your feelings, be ready for an open and honest discussion. Consider addressing any past issues that led to the breakup and discuss how both of you can navigate potential challenges if you decide to rekindle the relationship. Effective communication becomes the foundation for building a healthy connection.

How Therapy Can Help:

Dealing with complicated feelings for an ex isn’t easy, and seeking professional help can provide valuable support. If you find it challenging to sort through your emotions or decide the best course of action, consider speaking with a therapist or a dating coach.

Therapists offer a safe and nonjudgmental space where you can express and process your emotions. This process can aid in making informed decisions regarding your ex. Additionally, therapy can contribute to personal growth, whether you choose to rekindle the relationship or not.

If the idea of in-person therapy feels daunting or inconvenient, online therapy platforms offer a more accessible and comfortable option. Services like BetterHelp connect you with licensed therapists through phone calls, video calls, or in-app messaging. Research indicates that online and in-person therapy show no significant difference in effectiveness, allowing you to choose the format that suits your preferences.


In the intricate dance of love and loss, talking to your ex about lingering feelings requires both courage and sensitivity. Whether you decide to express your emotions or choose a path of silent healing, remember that your well-being is the priority. The journey from a breakup to resolution is unique for each individual, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

Take the time to understand your own heart, weigh the potential outcomes, and consider seeking professional guidance if needed. The key lies in embracing the uncertainty, fostering self-compassion, and allowing the healing process to unfold naturally. Whether your love story finds a new chapter or gracefully concludes, the lessons learned will undoubtedly shape your path toward personal growth and fulfillment.

FAQs and Additional Guidance:

Understanding that navigating post-breakup emotions can be a challenging journey, here are some frequently asked questions and additional guidance to provide further clarity:

1. What are some signs that you still love your ex?

  • Persistent thoughts and dreams about your ex.
  • Longing for their presence and reminiscing about shared experiences.
  • Difficulty moving on and establishing new connections.

2. Is it a good idea to tell your ex you still love them?

  • It depends on your intentions and the specific circumstances. Consider the factors mentioned earlier, such as timing, emotional recovery, and the health of the past relationship, before deciding.

3. How can you prepare yourself to tell your ex you still love them?

  • Reflect on your feelings and intentions.
  • Choose an appropriate method of communication.
  • Manage expectations and be prepared for different responses.

4. What are some effective ways to tell your ex you still love them?

  • Use clear and honest language.
  • Express your feelings without expecting a specific outcome.
  • Allow your ex time to process and respond.

5. How can you deal with the fear of rejection when telling your ex you still love them?

  • Understand that rejection is a possibility.
  • Lean on your support system for emotional strength.
  • Focus on self-care and self-compassion.

6. How should you approach the conversation with your ex about your feelings?

  • Respect any established boundaries.
  • Choose a thoughtful method of communication.
  • Be genuine and straightforward in expressing your feelings.

7. Should you apologize for past mistakes when telling your ex you still love them?

  • If past mistakes contributed to the breakup, sincere apologies can be included in the conversation.
  • However, avoid dwelling solely on the past; focus on the present and future.

8. What if your ex is in a new relationship? Should you still tell them you still love them?

  • Respect their current relationship.
  • Consider the potential impact on their new connection before expressing your feelings.

9. Is it possible to rebuild a relationship with an ex after telling them you still love them?

  • Yes, but it requires open communication, addressing past issues, and a mutual commitment to personal growth.

10. Should you wait for your ex to make the first move after telling them you still love them?

  • Be open to various outcomes.
  • If your ex needs time to process, respect their space while continuing your own healing journey.

11. How can you cope if your ex doesn’t feel the same way about you?

  • Lean on your support system for emotional comfort.
  • Focus on self-care and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

12. Should you continue to pursue your ex after telling them you still love them?

  • Respect their response.
  • If they express a lack of interest, focus on your own growth and well-being.

13. How can you work on yourself before telling your ex you still love them?

  • Engage in self-reflection and personal development.
  • Establish personal goals independent of the past relationship.

14. What if your ex doesn’t want to speak to you anymore? How can you still tell them you still love them?

  • Respect their wishes for no contact.
  • Consider expressing your feelings through a thoughtful letter or email.

15. Is it ever too late to tell your ex you still love them?

  • Timing matters, but if both parties are open to communication, expressing your feelings can happen when the time is right.

This comprehensive guide aims to address common concerns and provide additional insights as you navigate the delicate process of talking to your ex about lingering feelings. Remember, each situation is unique, and adapting these guidelines to your specific circumstances is key.

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