Now Aadhar card will have to be shown to buy Corona’s test kit

Now Aadhar card will have to be shown to buy Corona's test kit

COVID-19 testing involves analyzing samples to test the current or past presence of SARS-CoV-2. Two major branches detect the presence of a virus or antibodies produced in response to infection. Molecular testing of the presence of a virus by its cellular components is used to diagnose isolated cases and to allow public health authorities to track and contain disease outbreaks. Testing for serology immunoassays instead indicates that a person has had the disease. It is of little help in diagnosing current diseases because the immune system may not build up within a few weeks after infection. It is used to monitor the spread of disease, which helps to estimate the mortality rate of the infection.

Individual authorities have adopted various evaluation criteria, including who should be tested, how often they are tested, analysis agreements, sample collection, and the use of test results. These differences are likely to have a significant impact on reported statistics, including case and test numbers, mortality rates, and demographics. Because SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs days after exposure (and before the onset of symptoms), there is an urgent need for regular monitoring and immediate results.

Test analyzes are usually performed in automated, advanced medical laboratories, by medical laboratory scientists. Alternatively, an inspection of the care area can be done at doctor’s offices and in parking lots, workplaces, facility settings, or walkways.


Antigen testing COVID-19 Antigen Quick Test Kit

Fluid from the nose or throat of the test fluid is inserted into the COVID-19 antigen-testing device

Rapid testing of COVID-19 in Rwanda

The antigen is a component of the pathogen that triggers the immune response. Antigen testing looks for antigen proteins from the viral site. In the case of coronavirus, these are usually high-protein proteins. SARS-CoV-2 antigens can be detected before the onset of COVID-19 symptoms (immediately after SARS-CoV-2 virus particles) with faster test results, but with less sensitivity than PCR virus testing.

A standard antigen test is a rapid COVID-19 antigen test, commonly known as Lateral Flow Tests (LFT).

Antigen testing may be one way to increase testing to extremely high levels. Isothermal nucleic acid enhancement tests can process one sample at a time per machine. RT-PCR testing is accurate but requires a lot of time, energy, and trained staff to perform the tests. “There will be no ability in [PCR] testing to perform 300 million tests a day or to test everyone before going to work or school,” said Deborah Birx, head of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, on April 17. 2020. ” But there may be antigen testing. ”

Samples may be collected with a nasopharyngeal swab, anterior nares swab, or saliva (obtained in a variety of ways including pediatric lollipop tests). [56] The sample is then produced in paper strips containing synthetic antibodies designed to synthesize coronavirus antigens. Antigens bind the fibers and provide visual readings. The procedure lasts less than 30 minutes, can bring results to the area of ​​care, and does not require expensive tools or extensive training.

Respiratory bacterial swabs often lack sufficient antigen to be detected. This is especially true for patients with no symptoms of nasal congestion. Infected proteins are not elevated in antigen testing. A Cochrane review based on 64 studies investigating the effectiveness of 16 different antigen tests determined that they correctly identified COVID-19 infection in an average of 72% of people with symptoms, compared with 58% of people without symptoms. The test was very accurate (78%) when used in the first week after symptoms, probably because people have a lot of viruses in their system in the early days after infection. While some scientists have questioned whether antigen testing may be helpful in COVID-19, [58] others have argued that antigen testing is more sensitive when viral load is high and people become infected, making them eligible for public health tests. Regular antigen testing can quickly detect when people with no symptoms of the disease are infected, whereas PCR tracking can be used if a valid diagnosis is needed.

Immune test

A machine used to analyze blood samples

Table showing the total number of IgG and IgM antibodies obtained in the sample

Left: Automatic analysis of immunoassays, used, for example, to detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Right: An example of the quantitative results of the SARS-CoV-2 antibody test.

The body responds to the infection by producing antibodies that help to eradicate the virus. Blood tests (also called serology tests or serology immunoassays tests can detect the presence of such antibodies. An antibody test can be used to detect which part of the population has been infected, which can be used to calculate the mortality rate. It can also be used to determine the amount of antibody contained in a convalescent plasma unit, in the treatment of COVID-19, or to ensure that a given vaccine produces an adequate immune response.

People who buy testing equipment for COVID-19 will have to give their Aadhar cards to a pharmacist to keep a record, Mumbai Mayor Kishori Pednekar said on Saturday.

Speaking to reporters, Ms. Pednekar said if anyone was found to have COVID-19, the information should be forwarded to the authorities and reviewed online.

“We have decided that everyone who buys testing equipment will have to give their Aadhar cards to a pharmacist to keep a record. If anyone is found to be infected they should notify the authorities and review this online,” the mayor of Mumbai said. ould be updated online.

She added that 1,6,897 people had been tested for COVID at home until Friday when 3,549 XNUMX people had been tested for HIV at home.

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